
Create, customize and control your own battle ready robot in a shapeshifting enviornment! Choose your path - manual or API, and take control of the fight.

Codyfighters can be controlled through the web browser or real-time API, allowing commanding of their in-game actions through the keyboard, touch control, or code.

Players need three assets to be able to participate in the game: Operator, Codyfighter, and CKey. These items are available in the Launchpad and additional ones can be purchased in the marketplace or Codyfight’s official shop.

Codyfight is a competitive game and therefore allows players to participate in multiple competitive systems, known as Leagues. Each one is constructed through different elements and players will have to use their logical skills to succeed. Leagues have different ranking systems and various conditions that allow a rank up or down, as well as performance metrics, etc. Players can access matches in different Leagues through the deployment of a CTicket or a Free Pass. While Free Passes can be renewed daily and can only be used until a certain rank, CTickets allow players to participate in battles and can be exchanged in the marketplace.

Ranks are a valuable system to categorize and create balanced gameplay for players. Such a dynamic ranking system integrates their recent performance thus implying that the players need to be consistent to maintain their standings on the leaderboards.

The rewards are based on rank, therefore, higher-ranked players earn more from their victory than low-ranked players.

To succeed in matches, players have to face each other as well as other conditions that enhance or restrict their victories in the battle. Codyfight’s metagame is constantly expanding and featuring new elements within the competitive system. Dynamic map tiles, player strategies, intelligent NPCs, and other conditions make competitive gaming a fight in wits against players and the complex Codyfight universe.

Players can showcase their logical skills through the following methods:

  • Navigating on the map;

  • Casting skills;

  • Gathering items and resources;

  • Interacting with opponents and NPCs;

  • Strategizing against their opponents;

  • More things to come!

The gameplay is also jeopardized by different Special Agents (NPCs) that can either help players in their strategies or endanger them.

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