
Codyfighters have native (exclusive skills - signature) and learnable skills that help players build their strategies in the gameplay. For example the native skill for the engineer class is build. This ability allows to construct new map tiles - blocks to alter the flow of the game (e.g. blocking the enemy player or a hostile Special Agent). The learnable skills on the other hand, can be unlocked as players rank up or participate in more battles. An example is overheat, an ability that allows players to attack their opponents and block them from using skills in the next round.

Codyfighter’s ownership will be visible in the Launchpad where players can take various actions to optimize their in-game experience such as repairing and changing their Codyfighter or pairing it up with a new Operator to participate in new Leagues.

The game's team, along with the community, will enrichen the metagame by releasing new Special Agents, map tiles, special abilities, and so on, leading to a constant variability in players’ decisions in the game and keeping metagame strategies in balance at all times.

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